Hello, you writing genius, you…

Hello, you writing genius, you...

Writing matters to you. You’re here because you feel called to write. And…

You’ve got so many ideas… and feel overwhelmed by them.

You’re passionate and visionary… but can’t seem to quite get your book (or script!) finished — or maybe even started. 

You feel like you’re on the verge of a creative breakthrough… but it still feels like you’re holding back. Perfectionism, fear of failure, resistance, and procrastination all get in your way.

I’m Jenna Avery. I’m a writer, a writing coach, and the founder of Called to Write.

Around here, we help creative writers like you — complicated, visionary, and sensitive — grab hold of the bigger vision of what you were put here to do, get out of your own way, and claim your creative calling so you can bring your writing to the world in all its powerful glory.

Registration Open for Five Days of Focus

Five days to write, write, write with other writers working alongside you.

Register now for our upcoming 2025 sessions:

March 10 to March 14
• May 5 to May 9

Find out more and enroll here:

Upcoming Events, Courses, & Latest Articles

How to Choose Your Next Book (Or Screenplay!)

When You Can't Choose What to Write Next

Useful techniques to choose among your many ideas.
Image of a woman standing with her hand to her chin and head tilted as if pondering something

Ask the Coach @ Script Mag

Shifting your perspective to overcome procrastination and deal with self-criticism:
A closed laptop, open notebook, and latte in a mug on a wooden surface.

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As Seen On
Manuscript Critiques

Manuscript Critiques

Writer's Coaching

Script Notes

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