
Five Days of Focus

A five-day immersive writing experience — from the comfort of your own home.

April 15 to 19, 2024

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Five Days of Focus is exactly what it sounds like: five full days of supported, focused writing, from the comfort of your own home.

It’s a virtual writing retreat or intensive, writing alongside other writers as you move your book or script toward done.


Here’s what you’ll love about Five Days of Focus:


You’ll focus deeply on your main writing project for five full days.

As writers, there’s usually one main book or script holding our attention, and it’s often the hardest one to get to.

Resistance, perfectionism, performance issues, fear, and self-doubt get in the way. These make us struggle with giving the work the dedicated time and space it needs to come to fruition.

Sometimes we have to make the time and space.

With Five Days of Focus, you’ll dedicate yourself to a significant burst of progress with the support of other writers and a coach. You’ll strengthen your commitment to writing and give yourself permission to pursue your calling as a writer.


You’ll write with writers who want what you want: Progress.

For five days, you’ll immerse yourself in your current work-in-progress with the company and the support of other writers.

We’ll meet twice each day in video meetings (it’s okay to keep your camera off!) for short inspiration sessions, and we’ll be able to check in with each other throughout the day in our dedicated private online chat if desired (it’s also perfectly okay to stay focused on writing).

At the start of each day in our first video meeting, we’ll share our writing plans, then dive into the solo writing we’re each doing.

At the end of the day, we’ll share our progress and our plans for the next day, celebrating (or commiserating, as needed!) along the way.

The structure and support to show up for the whole day are key. 


You’ll clear the decks and plan your writing before we begin.

Five Days of Focus is designed to help you make time and space to write without distractions.

Before our five days begin, I’ll send you a Clear the Decks preparation checklist to help clear distractions and obstacles so you can make the most of your writing time. You’ll also plan ahead for food and beverages to help yourself stay focused on writing.

I’ll also send you a Writing Plan worksheet so you can get clear about exactly what you’ll work on and be able to get right to work.

These tools will help you make sure you have a clear goal and writing plan, beverages, meals, and snacks at the ready, and a week free from distractions so you can focus, focus, focus.



You’ll follow your own innate flow each day.

During our day’s writing time between our video meetings, you’ll decide when to take breaks and how long to write, so you can follow YOUR own flow and writing pattern.

Sometimes writing to a strict schedule of a certain length of time can be a blessing. Sometimes it can feel like it interrupts our individual writing flow. 

This open day structure will allow for some of both — a container of time to write in, bookended with a connection with other writers — but without rules or anyone infringing on your flow.



You’ll plan for what comes after our five days together.

Writers can struggle at the end of a writing retreat to continue writing once you’re home or back into “regular life” when the structure is lacking.

As we wrap up our five days together, we’ll put our focus on next steps so we know exactly what we’ll be working on the next time we sit down at our desks to work. 

We’ll also celebrate our progress made during the week together.

You may also want to consider joining my online writer’s community to help yourself keep moving forward.

Writers who will love Five Days of Focus

  • Writers who want to make a sustained burst of progress on a long-form writing project, like a book or script.
  • Writers who want help to cut out distractions and make writing happen.
  • Writers who want to make time for “dreaded” writing-related marketing tasks — like querying or working on their websites.
  • Writers who want camaraderie and connection with other writers.
  • Writers who love having dedicated and supported time for days of focused writing.
  • Writers with a collection of short-form projects they want to complete, such as batch writing blog posts or newsletters.


Here are the dates and the details:

  • Monday, April 15 to Friday, April 19

  • Video meetings (30 minutes) at 8 am PT and 3 pm PT | 11 am ET and 6 pm ET.
  • Access to a private online chat space so we can connect off-camera.

  • Early access to the Clear the Decks checklist and Writing Plan worksheet to help you prepare.

Register Here

To join Five Days of Focus, please enroll using the Add to Cart button below for the full payment option, or the Sign Up Now button for the two payment option.

When you register, we’ll add you to the mailing list for the program, and you’ll receive a welcome email including the online and video meeting links, the Clear the Decks checklist, and the Writing Plan worksheet.

Your writing retreat awaits you.


Questions & Answers

Here are answers to possible questions about Five Days of Focus. 
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May I join from overseas?

Yes, of course, though the schedule is designed for writers in the U.S. This means that we’ll be ending quite late in the day for EU writers, for instance, as late as 1:30 a.m. Central European Time. If that works for you, or you’re okay with missing part of the day, you’re more than welcome to join us.

May I join for part of each day only?

Yes, (and see also the question about joining from overseas), if you have a conflict for part of the day or the schedule doesn’t work perfectly for your life, you’re welcome to attend for whatever part of the day works best for you.

Will the live video meetings be recorded?

In order to protect everyone’s privacy, we won’t be making recordings of the live sessions. Especially since the focus of the live sessions will be on personal sharing rather than me teaching content, this feels like the respectful and most appropriate choice. We will aim to collect resources shared during the sessions, if appropriate.

Do I have to be on camera?

Absolutely not. :) I’m not a huge fan of being on camera myself. You’re more than welcome to keep your camera off and participate by voice or even online chat only. My goal is for this to work for you and be motivating for you, so please do what you need to do to be comfortable and able to write. 

Will my writing stay private?

Yes! In this five-day, we won’t share our writing with each other for feedback or critique. We do this to keep a safe, focused space for writing. If you’d like feedback on your work, I’d be happy to discuss my editorial, script notes, and coaching services with you separately.

Will you offer more of these five-day sessions this year?

Since this is the trial run of this new program, I’m not certain if I’ll offer it again. What we learn from this approach may well inform future variations, rather than resulting in a duplication of this structure. And, the basis for this design is from well-tested, similar programs like our past Deep Dive Writing Intensives and Wednesday Writing Retreats.

Will there be any Deep Dives or Wednesday Retreats this year?

At the moment, there are no current plans for any Deep Dive Writing Intensives this year. We may explore bringing back the Wednesday Writing Retreats, however. Make sure you’re on my mailing list to stay in the loop about this and other upcoming courses.

More Questions? Contact Us Here.

Please reach out with questions and we’ll respond as quickly as possible (generally on weekdays during normal business hours Pacific Time).


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