Script Notes

Script Notes

Make Your Screenplay Amazing

A great script requires a strong hook and a first page that grabs a reader’s attention, supported by deep, organic character and structure work, a well-crafted plot, an original story, thematic messaging, masterful pacing, and more.

The art form of a screenplay is rigorous. No words can be wasted. Each sentence must punctuate the story in just the right way. A script has to deliver on your concept and look great on the page. 

When you put your screenplay out into the world, you want it to be the best it can be. With each reader and industry professional you send your script to, you only have one chance to make an impact. 

Receiving skilled, thoughtful, compassionate feedback can help you make sure you’re hitting all the marks and elevate your script to the next level… and beyond.

What’s Included In Your Script Notes Package

Script notes include running notes (see the graphic for sample of what that looks like —handwritten notes made in your PDF in digital form), plus a summary report of what’s working, and what needs work.

Your summary report will include a detailed, typed report addressing:

  • Theme
  • Title
  • Genre
  • Structure
  • Story development, including plot, storyline, timeline, and subplots
  • Character development, motivation, goals, conflict, and consistency
  • Story pacing
  • World building
  • Voice and tone

Is working with me a good fit?

Here’s how you can tell:

  • You’re writing a sci-fi, fantasy, or supernatural screenplay. (Not horror, though I’m willing to consider other genres.)
  • You want notes to help you deliver more fully on your concept.
  • You need fresh eyes on your script.
  • You know there’s something not quite working but can’t put your finger on it.
  • You’re looking for thoughtful, thorough feedback that’s not “gloves off.”
  • You want to work with someone who respects your ideas and doesn’t try to impose her own. I may make suggestions if I see something that might work better, but I will also try to tell you WHY I’m making them so you can devise your own solutions to the problems I’m seeing.

Is your script ready for feedback?

Your script is ready for script notes when:

  • You can clearly state your logline and concept.
  • You’ve thoroughly revised your first draft.
  • You’ve analyzed and improved your script since you first wrote it. (I don’t read first drafts.)
  • You’ve tightened your writing as much as you can, cleaning up unncessary exposition and description.
  • You have a reasonable sense of the structure and plot.
  • Your script is no more than 125 pages (above 125 pages = $2 additional per page)
Image of hands holding a screenplay open to a page of text
Image of hands holding a screenplay open to a page of text

Ready to get started?


Here’s what I’ll need from you:

  • Your screenplay in a PDF format, in standard screenplay formatting (e.g. written and exported from within Final Draft or comparable software).
  • Your logline and concept.
  • A list of any specific requests for feedback.
  • You’ll submit these documents via email once you’ve purchased your notes.

Once you’ve made your purchase and submitted the above materials, I’ll get back to you with a specific timeframe for your handwritten running notes and report, usually within two weeks from your date of purchase at the latest though there may be some delay during holidays or if I’m on vacation. You can contact my team at or via my contact form to confirm my editorial schedule in advance.

Expedited notes can be made available for an additional fee. Notes on a printed script can be made available for an additional fee (to cover printing and shipping costs).

Not quite ready yet?

Not to worry. Check out my script coaching services. We can get you there together.

“A writer is only as good as the feedback he gets.”

“Not all writers are created equal. This is equally true of script consultants. I gave Jenna my new script — polished, no less. I have labored months trying to get this bad-boy into shape. But something nagged me. I had just done a major polish/tweak based upon my writer friends’ notes (all working writers). I was under the gun to get this script into the hands of producers who were getting antsy for it. What do I do? I couldn’t get that nagging monkey off my back. I knew my script needed another read. But I also needed fresh eyes.

“Wow, did Jenna deliver. I saw the finish line, but her notes got me over it. She addressed those nagging doubts I had and gave me a basket of fruit in the form of running notes and overall notes. More importantly, if something bothered her, she gave reasons why it bothered her. And any good writer knows an objection must be levied within the context of what’s written. Jenna is not only a good writer, she is also a great script consultant. She never lost sight of the forest while figuring out which trees needed to be trimmed.

“A writer is only as good as the feedback he gets. It’s hard to impress a working writer. Best way to do it is to help him get over the finish line with a new script. Jenna did that by not patronizing me with unneeded validation or disingenuous flattery. She tread that perfect balance between compliment and criticism. With her guidance, I will be crossing many more finish lines. Thank you, Jenna. At last! A consultant who’s worth her weight in coins.”

Paul Undari

Optioned writer, The Jigsaw Map Multiple award winner, The People V. God Commissioned writer, Born Under A Lucky Star (adaptation)

Pick Up Your Script Notes Here

Includes handwritten notes on your PDF doc plus a typed summary report covering the items listed above.

Script Notes $500

Approximately 10 hours of work, two reads of script, typed report.

Have Questions? Get In Touch.

Get in touch if you have questions about the script notes process or what you’re hoping to get out of the experience. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

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