Ask the Coach: Help! I Can’t Write the Same Way Anymore — 7 Ways to Find Your New Writing Practice – On Script Mag

In this month’s “Ask the Coach” article, I’m responding to a comment from a writer about recovering a writing practice.

Hi Jenna, I’ve found recently that the way I used to write just isn’t working for me anymore. I don’t know if it’s because of the pandemic exactly, but that was when things shifted for me. I used to write every day at the same time, and now I just… can’t. What should I do? I feel like writing has gotten away from me and it feels terrible, like I’ve lost my way.

Regardless of the cause (pandemics, major life disruptions, industry strikes, social change), when our writing practice gets disrupted and we change as a result, what works for us as writers can change as a result. 

In the article, I share some strategies that worked well for me in finding new ways to approach my writing practice that got me back on track:

  1. Be clear (or as clear as you can) about wanting to write.
  2. Let go of expectations about your former writing practice.
  3. Believe there is a new way forward.
  4. Create space to find out what works for you now.
  5. Lean into sources of inspiration to reinvigorate your imagination.
  6. Build writing support structures.
  7. Pay attention to what has changed within you as a writer.

It’s smart to admit when an old pattern isn’t fitting you and your life anymore. We grow and change all the time — and life changes too — which means you may need to adjust your writing practice to better fit where things are for you. 


Want the full scoop? Get all the details in the full article on Script Mag:
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Image credit:  Script Magazine / Canva