Ask the Coach: Should I Give Up the Writers Group I Started? – On Script Mag

In this month’s “Ask the Coach” article, I’m responding to a question about giving up a writing group, or not, including looking at the larger issues buried in the question: 1) Losing enthusiasm for writing, and 2) having a writing group functioning as their “only outlet.”

In the article, I shared some reasons our inquirer might have lost enthusiasm for writing, so they could see what might resonate, including:

  • Nearing the end of a script, and resistance and procrastination rising to keep them “safe” from putting work out there.
  • Feeling burned out by running a writing group for others.
  • Being affected by other life responsibilities or challenges.
  • Processing feedback (positive or negative).
  • Taking a wrong turn with the script and having their intuition balking.
  • Tiring of the story or losing connection to it.

The article includes some thoughts about solutions for each of these.

I also addressed the aspect of having their group being their “only outlet.”

My ultimate answer to the reader’s question about giving up their group is that sometimes groups arise for a reason, or are with us for only a season. It’s okay to let go of experiences that are no longer serving us, redesign them to better meet our needs, or recommit with renewed intention or energy. A thoughtful inventory of what’s working and what’s not will most likely point us in the right direction.

Writing groups can be wonderful places to feel connected to other writers who get you, cheer for you, and encourage you to keep moving ahead with writing. Writing groups can also become performative, perfunctory, burdensome, or even become a substitute for writing.

Want the full scoop? There are more details in the full article on Script Mag: 
Ask the Coach: Should I Give Up the Writers Group I Started?

If you’ve got writing questions, please send them my way!
I’d love to answer them for you in my column.
Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Why do we write?

We write because we have stories to tell.

We write to entertain.

To explore.

To connect.

To teach.

We write because if we don’t, we can’t sleep.

We write to be paid.

We write for the joy of it.

We write because we said we would.

We write to document, explain, journal, create.

We write because we love it.

We write to expunge the terrible questions that captivate us.

To travel the neural pathways and find out where they go.

To see what happens.

Joss Whedon has said, “You either have to be writing or you shouldn’t be writing. That’s all.”

Why do you write?

Tell us in the comments.

 If you’re serious about writing, but find yourself blocked or procrastinating, join my “Just Do The Writing” Accountability Circle to learn the skills you need to create a solid pattern of consistent writing and to get the support and accountability you need to show up every day.

Find out more and register here: Next session starts March 19th.