Whether you’re already a serious writer or you’re ready to get serious about your writing, your focus is stronger when you have the proper tools for your writing practice.
After all, it’s not just about craft. Having a daily writing practice is the cornerstone of a professional writer’s career.
The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit is a profound set of tools to help you build consistency and productivity with your writing, day in and day out.

The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit is a bundle of digital tools you can use to plan your writer’s schedule, track your writing, and gain insight from your own best guide (YOU!) if ever you feel stuck.
Here’s everything you’ll receive when you download your Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit:

Your Writer's Schedule Planner
Change the way you approach your writing forever.
When you design your life around your writing first, you’ll naturally move writing to the top of your priority list, where it belongs.
The Writer’s Schedule Planner comes with a set of journal prompts and guidance to help you plan your writing schedule, along with a blank calendar in a PDF, Word, Excel, or Numbers file so you can pick your favorite format to design your schedule. You’ll also find three sample writer’s schedules to get you jump started with the Writer’s Schedule Planner and making it work for you.

Your Writer's Insight Journal
Gain powerful insight from observing and recording your writing process.
The Writer’s Insight Journal will help you assess how well your writing habit is working for you and what you might want to tweak to improve it. Morning, Evening, Start of Month, and End of Month journal prompts will help you hone in on where you’re doing well and where you can up your game.
The Insight Journal comes in three editions: A Scrivener file with the prompts set up as reusable journal templates, a printable PDF version, and a Word document format so you can choose the medium that works best for you.

Your Writer's Tracking Log
Track your writing progress; change your mindset.
When you write on a regular basis and see your progress build over time by tracking it with your Writer’s Tracking Log, you’ll build trust in yourself and in your ability to write consistently and regularly, which helps you keep writing in the long haul. Plus you’ll gain insight into your natural writing pace, which will help you plan your projects and deadlines to match your innate rhythm.
The Writer’s Tracking Log comes in a spreadsheet format designed to help you track your writing for an entire calendar year, and is provided in both an Excel and a Numbers (Mac) format.

Your Writer's Guided Visualization
Find your way with your own inner guidance.
With my focused and powerful Writer’s Guided Visualization, you’ll have access to your own best inner wisdom about what’s next for you as a writer — and how to get there.
Listening to the mp3 audio will help you tune in and move forward and can be used in many different ways. The Writer’s Guided Visualization comes with a set of journal prompts to help you get the most of the experience every time you use it.

Your Quick Start Guide
Guidance for making the most of the Toolkit.
It’s one thing to HAVE a collection of tools and it’s another altogether to put them into action. I’ve written a brief Quick Start Guide to help you start using these power tools RIGHT NOW, including suggestions and recommendations about how and when to use each of the tools included in the package.
What You’ll Love About The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit
- Get clear about how solid your writing habit is and what you can do to get more on track.
- Understand your own natural writing rhythm so you can predict how much time you’ll need to finish a project.
- Track your progress so you can see what you’ve accomplished and how well you’re on track to meet your writing goals.
- Organize your schedule so you can maximize your available writing time and make the most of it.
- Envision where you want your writing to go in the long term so you can start to move in that direction.
- Access your own inner guidance about your writing whenever you’re feeling stuck or lost.
“I’ve made real changes to my writing habit.”
“I’ve listened to a lot of guided visualizations in my time and I have to say, usually they make me really crazy. All fluff and clouds and fluffy clouds. I’m a pretty direct thinker — if I want a visualization about writing, I want to talk about writing, not streams and meadows.
“I really enjoyed this visualization. The pacing was awesome. I was able to really get into the space to do the thinking work. It was surprisingly efficient!
“The insights I got from doing this work were diverse. I realized I should be writing more with paper rather than always being attached to a screen. I realized I’d forgotten how helpful a Morning Pages ritual was. I realized I needed a dedicated space, always ready, no matter what. I realized I didn’t need so many pens!
“Thank you for making this, Jenna. I got a lot of real value out of it, and I’ve made real changes to my writing habit as a result. You rock, as always.”
“I’ve become truly productive and it affects the quality of everything else in my life as well.”
“Jenna helped me create a daily schedule that prioritizes everything that’s important to me, and is still flexible enough to appease my need to flow with each new day.
“The schedule we created, based in my meditation, writing, and yoga practices, has become the foundation for everything I do in my life each day. I’ve become truly productive and it affects the quality of everything else in my life as well.”

Pick Up Your Toolkit Here
When you buy The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit, you’ll download everything within minutes so you can put these tools to use, right away.
Get The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit for $77 now.
Answers to common questions about The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit, just for you.
Got another question that’s not answered here? Just ask!
How can I make the best use of all these different tools?
Each tool has its own set of instructions — a mini-guidebook, if you will — describing how to best put it into use. You’ll also receive my Quick Start Guide to help you get started. You’ll find that the Schedule Planner is a tool you’ll use at the outset, then go back to periodically to make adjustments. The Insight Journal and the Tracking Log are designed to be used every day. And the Guided Visualization is something that can be used on an as-needed basis. You can also adjust and refine your use of the tools so they work for you, your writing practice, and your own needs. Enjoy!
Will I need special software to use the Writer's Toolkit?
Thankfully, no. Each of the tools in the toolkit comes in a few different formats. I’ve done this to give you options, and to maximize their compatibility with various operating systems. I created the Tracking Log as a spreadsheet, which works in Excel and Numbers. You can use the Insight Journal in printed form, or in Scrivener or Word. The Schedule Planner comes in a PDF, spreadsheet, and Word format. LOTS of options. :)
Is there support if I need help using the Writer's Toolkit?
Yes! If you need help getting set up, you can start with the instructions I’ve provided for each tool. I’ve also created a few simple videos for getting started with the Insight Journal and the Tracking Log tools, which you’ll find on the download page. If you have any challenges beyond that, just send me an email at toolkit@calledtowrite.com. I’m happy to help you get started!
Can I benefit from using the Toolkit if I'm already part of your Writer's Circle program?
Yes, definitely. If you’re part of my Called to Write Coaching Circle, while you already have access to some similar-but-different tools, you’ll find that the Toolkit offers additional value beyond what the Circle itself provides.
Since the Schedule Planner and exercises and the Guided Visualization are not part of the Circle, nor is there anything comparable to them within it, you’ll definitely find added value there.
You can use the Tracking Log to track both your minutes and page or word counts over time, which is a valuable add-on to what we do in the Circle, especially because it will help you calculate your writing speed (useful for predicting future project timelines in particular), and can be used to track your cumulative writing over an entire year (not just on a Circle session-by-session basis).
And while the Insight Journal is comparable to the daily progress questions we answer on the Circle site, it has the addition of morning journal prompts, which are powerful to use to set the tone of your writing day.

Pick Up Your Toolkit Here
When you buy The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit, you’ll download everything within minutes so you can put these tools to use, right away.
Get The Ultimate Writer’s Toolkit for $77 now.