Writing can be a lonely business… and that’s why so many writers depend on our small group coaching circles to keep them in the space where words flow every day and projects get done.
If you’ve been struggling to finish (or start!) your writing projects, then the Called to Write Coaching Circle can help you make it happen, no matter what kind of project you’re working on, and no matter where you’re starting from.
Thousands of writers across the world are getting their writing done – faster and easier – through the help of the one-on-one, personal writing coaching system you can get in the Writer’s Circle today.
You can join them and watch your word counts start soaring – with the help of a small group community and your own personal writing coach who will help you every day, every time you need it.
Karen Completed 2 Novels – With a THIRD In The Works!
“Had it not been for the Called to Write Coaching Circle, I wouldn’t have survived the process of rewriting, revising and editing The Stone Demon. In fact, Jenna and the Writer’s Circle are in my acknowledgments for that book.
“I also got through the first draft of Hunting the Dark… and wrote a proposal for a new children’s mystery with the support of the Circle.
“Even as an established, published writer, having the coaching through the Circle helped me build a much more solid writing routine. Being a member was an important step in seeing myself as a professional.
“I urge you to join the Writer’s Circle… Access to affordable, quality coaching isn’t easy to find and the Circle is a good way to achieve that. It’s a powerful tool for writers of all types, from complete beginners to published veterans, and it doesn’t matter what you’re writing — there’s a place for you here.”
Donna Built a Writing Habit that Saw Her All the Way Through to a Published Novel!
“Participating in Jenna’s Called to Write Coaching Circle was a huge gift to me. Knowing that someone was waiting for me to write each day, keeping me accountable, was very helpful at a time I just hadn’t established a writing habit yet. The writing sprints were especially great, knowing I wasn’t alone in facing the blank page.
“I highly recommend Jenna’s program to any writer, beginner or experienced.”
Writers thrive when they can be immersed in a small community of other writers with a leader/writing coach who can help them write at their best, every step of the way. And that’s exactly what you’ll get in the Called to Write Coaching Circle.
In fact, you’ll get even more than that. Inside the Writer’s Circle, you’ll have tools, resources, and coach-led writing events to help you keep your writing momentum going strong.
Terri Got Her Book In Print – In Just Three Months!
“I’ve had this book brewing in me for 15 years. I never thought I could finish it… but after joining The Circle, I tamed the book beast in 3 sessions.
“It is so satisfying to finally turn my dream into reality.”
You can do it with everything that’s inside the Writer’s Circle. Here’s what you’ll get:
1. Daily Personalized Coaching From Your Writing Coach
You’ll have a personal writing coach that you can come to every day – whenever you need it – to give you individual attention, encouragement and advice to help you write at your best.
Struggling with writer’s block? Resistance getting you down? Need some help getting into your writing flow? Your group coach will give you all the help and support you need.

2. Vibrant, Energizing Small Groups & Forums
You’ll never be alone again as a writer when you join the Writer’s Circle. You’ll have an active group of motivated writers – from new and aspiring writers to seasoned pros – who will be in your group to encourage you, support you and chat with you through every week.
You can also join us in the discussion forums! As a writer, there’s nothing like having other like-minded people pop in to give you a high-five or talk to you about your own “writer’s journey.” The time you spend hanging out with other writers might just become the best part of your day.

3. Coach-Led, Live Writing Sprints
Sometimes we all need a little burst of excitement to get the writing juices flowing, and you’ll get exactly that in the coach-led writing sprints inside the Writer’s Circle.
When you’re in the mood for a boost, you can come along with your fellow writers to see just how much you can accomplish in an hour. With sprints running each weekday, you can tap into the energy of the group as often as you want!

4. Daily Progress Charts
If you like the idea of watching your word count going up, up, up, you’re going to love the progress tracking system you’ll get access to inside the Writer’s Circle. You’ll be able to see exactly how far you’re going with graphs that show your daily writing progress for each four-week session.
It’s an incredible way to visualize just how much progress you’re making on your writing projects – and each session’s progress summary is downloadable and yours to keep!

5. Confidence Boosters For Writers
We want to make your writing journey easy – and inside the Writer’s Circle you’ll find resources to help you sharpen your writing skills, bust through writing blocks, and get the most out of your writing time. Our private Wiki of tips, tricks and advice will help you become the best writer you can be.
Our special “daily check-in” system will also help build your writing confidence as you look back on each day’s writing to track how much you’ve accomplished, how you’re feeling about your writing and what insights you’ve had that day as you grow as a writer.

6. More Encouragement Than You Can Shake A Stick At
In the Called to Write Coaching Circle, our core focus is helping you get more writing done each day. We will encourage you, help you with your stuck points, and hold you by the hand to make sure writing happens for you.
You’ll get daily, individual support from your writing coach. You’ll get the ongoing support of a group of writers who want to see you succeed. And you’ll get the energy of every one of our writing sprints to keep your spirits high and your fingers moving across the keyboard, every day!

7. Repeatable, Ongoing Success For You
Because the Writer’s Circle is organized into ongoing four-week sessions, you’ll be able to get all the benefits inside, month after month. Every four weeks, we’ll clear the scoreboards, start a new session, and see just how much writing we can get done!
Every month, you’ll continue to get all the support and encouragement you need from your personal writing coach and small group. And every month, you’ll move forward on your writing goals. From project to project, month-in and month-out, the Called to Write Coaching Circle will be there for you.

Mary Finished Her Memoir — And It’s Now In Print!
“I was struggling to finish the memoir I’d been writing for seven years when I heard about Jenna’s Writer’s Circle. With the support of my group and coach, I completed the final draft of my memoir in just one 4-week session!
“I subsequently went on to publish my memoir while still in the Writer’s Circle, something I would not have had the courage to attempt without the encouragement of my fellow writers, along with the coaches’ examples and knowledge about creating and maintaining a writing career.
“I now write consistently. I take myself seriously as a writer, something I did not do before. In the 20-plus years I struggled along on my own… I told myself it was too late, I was too old, I might as well give up. Through the Writer’s Circle, I was able to let every one of these ideas go.”
When you join us for the Writer’s Circle, you’ll begin with immediate support from your writing coach – either myself or one of the excellent small group coaches I’ve personally selected and trained to help you. (I’ll even pick the best small group for you to be in, based on who you are and what you’re working on.)
You’ll be invited to the first “New Member Kick Off Call” where you can meet your fellow new writers, to help you feel comfortable getting started writing right away. :) You’ll learn all about how the Writer’s Circle works, how to use the progress tracking system and forums, and get your schedule for all of the writing sprints we’ll hold during your first four-week session.
You can dive right in, sharing your writing goals and projects you’re working on. You can take advantage of all the resources available inside the private, members-only website. And you can access our community wide discussion forum, where writers and coaches across the entire program come in to talk shop and lend a hand.
We’ll also hold two community-wide Coaching Call on day 4 and day 19 of the session* (with writers from ALL our small groups) where you can meet even more writers, learn new writing tips, and get additional support from your writing coaches. (Every call is recorded, so if you can’t make one of them, you’ll always be able to download them at your convenience.)
Each session of the Writer’s Circle runs four weeks – plenty of time for you to get your writing momentum going – and we’ll roll right into the next session every time one wraps up! So you’ll never miss a day of support, encouragement, and community as you get your writing projects done!
* Sometimes we adjust these dates when I’m traveling but we always hold two Coaching Calls per session.
“If I can get this much done in a day, just think what I could do in a year!”
“My experience in the Circle – I love it – I love getting to talk to other writers. I’ve been a lone wolf all these years. Hearing from other writers about their writing has been really awesome. I feel the power of what this does, it’s really encouraged me. I started envisioning, wow, if I can get this much done in a day, just think what I could do in a year!
“When I was running my last business, I used to write from 5 a.m. until 8 a.m., then switch over to money work after that. So, although, I never had a problem getting up and writing, I wasted years, because I didn’t write every day, I wasn’t consistent. It took sixteen years for me to complete my last book. It could have been done in half that time I think—maybe less. Though I appreciate that time and all the words I threw away, because I was learning how to write, but days or weeks would go by without getting much done. Writing a little bit every day, I realize how much I could get done, it’s huge for me. I didn’t have a block, but I realize how much MORE I could do.
“With daily accountability, I’m able to get through resistance, knowing the group is waiting to hear from me. But it’s not just about getting through the resistance, it’s about how much more I could get done by doing a little every day. What a breakthrough!”
“I’m more creative, more productive now.”
“It was so good for me to take the isolation of writing away. I love that my writing has quickly started to establish into my daily routine.
“I would have really struggled to do this without this group. I’m more creative, more productive now.”
“This is a group I highly recommend.”
“The Writer’s Circle has been a transformative entity in my life. The isolation of writing has always been a struggle for me… and through the group, I found fellow artists going through the same stuff and came to realize it’s all part of the process.
“That was a HUGE insight for me and one that led me back to the keyboard day after day.
“A productivity and peace entered into my writing practice — and I was able to complete a final rewrite of my children’s novel.
“Jenna is a fantastic mentor – her positive energy is infectious. This is a group I highly recommend.”
When I created the Called to Write Coaching Circle, I had a dream – to give writers just like you the help and support they needed to get their writing done and published.
Over the years I’ve seen so many writers do exactly that – publishing their books, journal articles and essays… hitting weekly word counts they never thought possible… and finally feeling at home in a community of writers with hopes and dreams that matched up with theirs.
“Knowing that my efforts are noticed by others is a big motivator for me.”
“Consistent daily work is key to my process. Being consistent means that I stay in touch with my writing, even though I might be working and doing other things during the day. Setting goals and being accountable within the Circle, giving and receiving feedback on each others’ processes — in short, knowing that my efforts are noticed by others is a big motivator for me.
“Looking back, I feel like I wasted a lot of time thinking about how to find time to write, but never doing the actual writing, and instead ending up feeling frustrated and lost. I knew I wanted to write, but why didn’t I just do it? I wrestled a lot with that question. With the help of the Circle I established a habit of rising early and writing for an hour every morning. Consistently.
“Focusing on the process rather than the craft, is a very important difference from other writing groups I’ve participated in. For me, this group is about focusing on getting the writing done, every day. What you write, how you write, and when you write is up to you. But do it every day. The accountability and support of the Circle is key to making that happen.”
“Not a week has gone by where I haven’t moved a project forward…”
“Thanks to the steady and compassionate support of the Writer’s Circle community, I’ve completed three full novel drafts now and several full revisions, something that felt almost impossible to me when I was struggling on my own.
“This has been key to writing regularly and challenging myself more as a writer. Since I joined the Writer’s Circle, not a week has gone by where I haven’t moved a project forward in some way!”
“Since I first joined the Circle, I have written over a million words.”
“I’ll be honest — ‘support’ made me nervous. I’ve looked into a lot of writing programs, and none of them worked for me. I didn’t want to invest in a ‘program’ where the support component was just a bunch of dreamers in a forum, spouting quotes and aphorisms, and not getting anything done.
“In my line of work, word count is high. 25,000 word weeks are “busy” and 50,000 word weeks are not unheard of. I write a blog and a newsletter. I write copy for work and clients, workshops,video scripts, ebooks, and (when I find the time) fiction. Oh, and I ghost-write.
“Since I first joined the Called to Write Coaching Circle, I have written over a million words. The Circle has kept me on track, helped me stay motivated, and helped me organize my projects. But most importantly for me, my coach AND my group members have given me the gift no other accountability system could — they remind me to write what I want to write, instead of just getting mired in what I have to write. I have never been so prolific, or felt so supported, as I have here.
“The Called to Write Coaching Circle has been a godsend. Thank you, Team Jenna! You’re doing good work.”
Registration For the Next Session Closes In
You can join the Circle for as many sessions as you want – you can pick one to get started or get up to a 20% discount for registering for multiple sessions.
Our next session begins on November 5th, 2018 – so you’ll need to register by November 1st to join us for the next session.
Once you join the Circle, your rate is safely locked in as long as you’re with us – so the price will never increase for you. Just keep your membership active, and you’ll keep your rate!
Your satisfaction is guaranteed — if within the first 3 days of the session, you find it’s not the right fit for you, we’ll happily refund you and remove you from the program. And if at any time you would like to cancel your membership in the Circle, all you need to do is get in touch and we’ll cancel future billings.
All that’s left to do is pick the plan that’s right for you – and we’ll see you inside the Called to Write Coaching Circle!
Single Session
(Recurring)- Single session pass, recurring subscription
- Billed every 4 weeks
- New members save $25 on your first session with coupon WRITENOW
Billing Details & Cancellation Policy
Your enrollment in this program confirms that you agree to and understand the following Called to Write Coaching Circle policies:
- You are enrolling in a membership program that has a recurring billing cycle as indicated above, and your billing cycle for future sessions (subsequent to your initial first payment) will be adjusted to match the start date of each session.
- If you ever wish to cancel your subscription or put it on hold, you must do so by contacting us no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the Thursday before the next session starts at circle@calledtowrite.com. Any requests after that deadline will incur a $25 processing fee.
- Subscriptions may be put on hold for a $25 service charge per session, up to 3 sessions per calendar year.
- If you find that the Circle is not the right fit for you within your first three days of participation as a new member (by the end of the first Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time) we will refund your payment and remove you from the program.
- Updates to this policy will be posted here and on the Called to Write Coaching Circle site. Last updated January 2, 2018.
Giulietta Published 3 Essays and an Op-Ed Piece in One Session!
“I loved leaving and getting comments on my daily progress. Now, I’m writing more consistently and feeling consistently creative. The system is good if you want to write more and make fewer excuses not to write!”
“The Writer’s Circle met a need for me… this is the best investment I’ve made as a writer.”
“This is the best investment I’ve made as a writer. The regularity with which I write… the support from others… has totally changed my attitude. Writing is something I no longer dream of doing – I know I’m doing it.
“I show up to Writer’s Circle for the sprints to be there with people who I now consider my partners in writing and it has become so much more fulfilling and productive.
“The Writer’s Circle has met a need for me ..and after three sessions, I finished a 60,000 word piece that I am going to enter into a national contest in January.”
“I am writing more – and more regularly.”
“I am writing more – and more regularly – than I was before starting in the Circle!
“It has been an AWESOME experience to get me focused on writing regularly, connecting with other writing/creative community people, and having one “aha” after another, not just about writing, but about my life as well.”
Fredrica Finished Her Novel – At Age 74!
“I’m writing again — that’s the bottom line. I feel encouraged to continue even on days when I don’t feel I have time or energy or desire.
“If you need help to get your ‘fingers on the keyboard’ the Circle will help.”
After running the Called to Write Coaching Circle for more than four years now and working with hundreds of writers, a number of questions tend to come up regularly, so I’ve created this section to address them for you.
About the Program
How does the online Called to Write Coaching Circle site work?
The way the Called to Write Coaching Circle works is that every day our participants log on to our online site and their small group to answer questions about how many minutes they wrote that day, what went well, and what was challenging. We also clear out the crud of negative self-thoughts and reframe them into positive thoughts on a daily basis. Our coaches respond with personalized, specific support for each group member based on each writer’s daily log. When your coach or a fellow group member leaves you a comment, you get a quick email notification that lets you know you have a message waiting for you on the site. It’s a wonderful, interactive way of supporting each other at any time of day or night, with writers from all across the globe.
We also run regular online group writing sprints via a chat room so that we can interact together in real time and collectively boost our writing energy. Participation in group writing sprints is not required, but is a terrific way to strengthen your writing habit and overcome any resistance you’re facing with your writing.
How will I benefit by using the Called to Write Coaching Circle approach to writing?
So many writers struggle with writing consistently and showing up every day to do the work. We procrastinate, we get afraid, and we invent reasons not to write (toilet scrubbing, anyone?). As Steven Pressfield says, “It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write.” The Circle provides motivation to show up and do the hard work of sitting down to write, because you know that if you don’t check in at the end of the day on the site, the other writers in your small group and your coach will notice and miss you. You’ll get encouragement from them on the days when it’s hard and they’ll cheer you on when it’s easier.
Having that kind of support reduces isolation, which is a huge issue for so many writers, and just seeing all your little green check marks on your progress page for every day you write is so satisfying too. We also teach the idea of writing for very small increments of time — with an inverse correlation between how stuck you feel and the number of minutes you spend writing. In other words, the more blocked you feel, the less you’ll want to aim for each day, at least to start. This pattern of brief writing sessions sets you up to: 1) prevent binge-writing and burn out, 2) feel a daily sense of accomplishment, and 3) build a stronger sense of self-confidence, trust, and belief in yourself that you can and will do the work. All of these help you keep going in the long term.
Is my work in the Circle confidential?
My team of coaches and I don’t discuss your progress with anyone outside the Called to Write Coaching Circle. And we make a point to provide guidelines for other participants around confidentiality. We are also willing to attempt to assign you to different groups than with people you know outside the Circle, subject to availability of space in other groups. For some people, this is not a concern, but for others it can be important.
Here’s why: In order to create a truly supportive atmosphere inside the Circle, we ask everyone to be real about their challenges and their successes. Occasionally participants — particularly published authors or others who have a public following — feel uncomfortable revealing their deeper challenges in the company of people they know outside the site who might be fans, for instance. If this is true for you, we will be happy to assign you to a group where you don’t know other participants. You are also more than welcome to participate with a pseudonym and remain anonymous.
Accountability sounds scary. What does that really mean?
I’m not a kick-ass, militant coach. That’s what some people think of when they think of accountability. The way we think of accountability in the Called to Write Coaching Circle is that you are being accountable to yourself — doing what you said you were going to do — when you report back to us in the Circle on the site. And we’ll be there to cheer you on for every day you manage it, on the days when it’s hard, and on the days when you don’t pull it off.
The Circle is a guilt-free zone that helps you see what’s working and what’s not about your writing habit so you can make adjustments that work. Judgement, harsh accountability, and guilt don’t foster the kind of environment we strive for in the Circle. Instead we focus on noticing, paying attention, experimenting, and keeping an eye out for typical red flags (like binge writing or disappearing) so we can help you stay on track with your commitment to yourself. That’s what this kind of accountability is all about. Nobody is going to yell at you here. :)
I’m so busy, is this just another thing to do that will keep me from writing?
One of the bigger obstacles many writers face is coming up with the time to write. Usually what drives that lack of time is not actually being too busy, but being afraid. We tend to stay too busy when we are afraid to face, tackle, and achieve our biggest dreams. So it turns out for most people that when they commit to writing regularly and reporting in about it, it ends up feeling like a critical part of your day that helps you stay in touch with who you are as a writer. It’s more like a life preserver than another obligation. And — we also make a point to encourage you to keep your participation on the site efficient and focused. We don’t want it to ever feel like a burden in any way. Usually if that’s happening for you, it’s a sign that you’re doing too much for other participants and need to scale back. Participation on the site tends to take 5 to 15 minutes per day.
Will I be getting feedback on my writing?
One significant — and important — distinction from other writing groups is that we do not do critiques of each other’s work in the Circle. We focus on helping writers work out the kinks in their writing habits, and very often those kinks are the result of difficult past critiques that have become creative wounds, which in turn have become blocks. It’s so important to us to keep a safe space where we can break down those blocks, heal those wounds, and get back to the habit of consistent writing, that we’ve made the decision not to exchange critiques of our work. That said, we strongly support writers to get useful and constructive feedback from outside sources when their work reaches the appropriate stage. Critiquing is a highly useful and separate tool we all need to make our writing the best it can possibly be.
What's the biggest adjustment writers have to make when they first try the Called to Write Coaching Circle?
The biggest adjustment for most writers is adjusting your mindset. When you start writing or want to write, you tend to have a lot of limiting beliefs that get in the way of your actually doing the work. For instance, many writers believe they have to have long blocks of time before they can write. Or that they have to have the right space to work in, the right computer, more money, a better job, quieter kids, or a more understanding spouse. Or that they have to be in the right mood to write. None of those things are true. In fact, they are just stories we tell ourselves because we are afraid to write and afraid to fail. The work is learning to show up and write, every day, no matter what. Along those same lines, our writers also have to persuade themselves to give up binge-writing in mad, rushed, deadline-meeting frenzies and instead set themselves up for the long haul — like a running a marathon, we have to learn to pace ourselves. The Circle provides evidence you need to help make these mindset shifts.
What types of problems does this approach help writers overcome?
Writer’s block, procrastination, resistance, isolation, poor planning, self-doubt, and self-sabotage are the first problems that come to mind. The beauty of this system is that it has far-reaching positive impacts in other areas of life as well. We see our writers also making positive changes in around exercise, organization, and time management, for instance.
I'm already taking lots of writing classes and/or I'm in a writer's group. How will this program help me?
The focus of the Called to Write Coaching Circle is on your writing habit, not the craft of writing. It’s not that we believe that learning writing skills is not important, far be that from the truth. No, in fact, we find that writers love having the Circle support in conjunction with their writing classes, because the Circle helps them ensure they actually do the work for the classes they’re in, which means they truly integrate and benefit from their classes in a more profound way.
And although writer’s groups can help with accountability, because usually there’s an expectation that everyone will bring pages to the next meeting, groups tend to meet only every few weeks or so. The key difference with the Circle is that it is based on daily accountability. This means that every single day you’re supported to show up and do the writing, which helps you build a long-term, sustainable writing habit.
What's the difference between this and other writer's groups? Is it just about getting cheerleading and high-fives?
Although we WILL celebrate your successes with you, the Circle is about so much more than accountability and cheerleading. Your coach will provide you with daily personalized coaching in response to your specific writing challenges. We’ll know what you’re going through and be there to help you deal with life’s ups and downs as you keep on writing day in and day out. This is what sets us apart from other writing groups and accountability programs.
How We Got Started
What inspired you to create the Called to Write Coaching Circle?
Although I’d been writing regularly for my life coaching business, I was not doing my heart’s true writing: science fiction. I knew that I needed to make a major change in my thinking about writing and when I saw this system — which was originally designed to help academic writers complete their dissertations — I had to have it for myself and to share it with other writers who wanted help with their own writing accountability and follow through.
How long have you been running the Circle?
I’ve been running the Called to Write Coaching Circle since September of 2011 when we ran our first beta test group. Since that time, we’ve seen novels, ebooks, screenplays, poems, songs, memoirs, and non-fiction books completed. It’s been amazing. Over time, we’ve added a few bells and whistles to make the program stronger, like the regular group writing sprints, and the option to upgrade and add private coaching support. We’ve also split from one group into two, then into four, and then into six, and we expect to keep adding more groups and coaches as demand increases.
Technical & Logistical Questions
I’m not that technologically savvy, will I still be able to use the site?
Yes, you will. Although it generally takes people a little time to get used to the system (just like starting anything new), the site is fairly easy and intuitive to navigate. In addition to a thorough collection of online videos about how to use the various site features, I’ve been known to hop on the phone with new folks and walk them through how to use various aspects of the site. Usually we find that between the videos and a little personal 1:1 support, any challenges around using the site quickly fade into the background and the writing becomes the focus.
I'm in a different time zone -- how will I interact with other people on the site?
One delightful aspect of the Called to Write Coaching Circle is that you can interact with writers all over the globe on your own schedule in your own time zone. It’s thrilling to wake up and find notes from your group members celebrating and commenting on your progress. The only truly time-sensitive, scheduled events for the Circle (like the live welcome and coaching calls) tend to be held mid-day Pacific Time so that participants in Hawaii, New York, the UK, Europe, and Australia can still participate. And, if that schedule doesn’t work for you, we record all the live sessions and make the recordings available on the site. We also have fairly active forums so you can ask questions and get them answered, even if you can’t attend the live calls.
Registration For the Next Session Closes In
Single Session
(Recurring)- Single session pass, recurring subscription
- Billed every 4 weeks
- New members save $25 on your first session with coupon WRITENOW
Billing Details & Cancellation Policy
Your enrollment in this program confirms that you agree to and understand the following Called to Write Coaching Circle policies:
- You are enrolling in a membership program that has a recurring billing cycle as indicated above, and your billing cycle for future sessions (subsequent to your initial first payment) will be adjusted to match the start date of each session.
- If you ever wish to cancel your subscription or put it on hold, you must do so by contacting us no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the Thursday before the next session starts at circle@calledtowrite.com. Any requests after that deadline will incur a $25 processing fee.
- Subscriptions may be put on hold for a $25 service charge per session, up to 3 sessions per calendar year.
- If you find that the Circle is not the right fit for you within your first three days of participation as a new member (by the end of the first Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time) we will refund your payment and remove you from the program.
- Updates to this policy will be posted here and on the Called to Write Coaching Circle site. Last updated January 2, 2018.