Special Annoucement: Get Back On Track With What You Were Put Here To Do

I’ve been resting up this week after a wicked cold (ugh), and I’ve fallen completely behind on everything (!), but it’s been feeling good to take it easy and settle down after my adventures in January. I’ll be writing again regularly next week, so stay tuned, okay?

~*~ Special Program Announcement ~*~

Today I’m writing with a quick heads-up about an upcoming deadline for my next Claim Your Calling virtual intensive.

This program is designed to “get you back on track with what you were put here to do.”

What I love about this course is that you get access to life purpose hand analysis at a more affordable rate than one-on-one, which makes this powerful work available to more of you in a way that works for me too (working in a group is more efficient energy-wise).

Plus, you also get to experience the key pieces of my process to help you get to know yourself at a much deeper level — to really tune into who you really are and what your deep inner guidance is telling you.

The beauty of it is that when you know what your Life Purpose is and Life Lesson is in combination with knowing YOURSELF again, it’s so much easier to get back on track with what you were put here to do.

From there you can start to design a vision for how you’ll implement your Life Purpose in your life (I’m having so much fun working with people to take it to the next level, I can’t even tell you!).

I don’t know when I’ll be offering this course again, so if you’re wondering what it is that you were put here to do or if you’re having trouble sorting out who you even are, please jump on board.

Plus, have you noticed all the outworn identity-shedding going on lately? It’s like, “Who am I, really? Why am I still holding onto that ______ [job, idea, relationship] that isn’t working for me anymore?”

It’s the perfect time to step back, reexamine, and make new choices about making a new life for yourself that really works with who you are. This program is designed to give you precisely that foundation — a Soul-Based Master Plan, if you will.

I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I’m thinking of limiting this course to 12 to 15 people maximum so I’m sure to have the bandwidth for the private follow up sessions I’m making available. So if this interests you, don’t wait.

The really good news is that when you register for the program by next Friday, Feb 11th at Midnight Eastern Time, you can save 25% on the registration fee.

A payment plan is available, and if you want to participate but want to propose a different payment plan, feel free to contact my lovely assistant Jamie and she’ll help you figure out what might work.

If you’re ready to register, you can do so, here: http://www.ClaimYourCallingWithJenna.com

If you have questions, feel free to post them below and I’ll get them answered for you.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! A Beautiful Day at the Beach...

I always love to spend New Year’s Day at the beach if I possibly can — I love the feeling of openness, possibility, and expansiveness. Easier in California, I realize. :) I hope your day is filled with possibilities, hopes, and BIG dreams for the New Year.