“… it’s so very valuable to keep working to fulfill your calling.”

My article, “Sensitive Writers, Keep Fulfilling Your Calling, Even In Difficult Times,” was featured in the 2021 Empowerment Guide for Sensitive People. As you may know, a prior incarnation of my coaching career was coaching highly sensitive people (HSPs). Many writers fall into the category of sensitive and/or introverted people, though of course not all.
The article marries my understanding of HSPs and writers, and shares suggestions about ways to keep writing — and why — even when we’re living in a time of crises. You can find a link to the article below.
“We can’t know for sure what the future holds. But we do have the power to make a choice to continue to write in spite of the challenges we face — or perhaps even because of them.”
Read how (and why)
on the Sensitive Evolution website:
Sensitive Writers, Keep Fulfilling Your Calling, Even In Difficult Times
on the Sensitive Evolution website:
Sensitive Writers, Keep Fulfilling Your Calling, Even In Difficult Times
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