Ask the Coach: Recovering From a Writer’s Dark Night of the Soul – On Script Mag

In this month’s “Ask the Coach” article, I’m responding to a comment from a writer online about having a moment of wondering why she’s still trying to write.

Having one of those nights where it feels like all of my writing is just a giant waste of time and nothing is ever going to come of it so why do I keep trying 🙃 (This feeling means I’m due for some kind of success like, tomorrow, right??)

I love the positive spin at the end! I had a similar response, which was, “My take is that it means you’re on the verge of a breakthrough with your current script!” And, I immediately had several further thoughts on the subject, so I asked for permission to elaborate, which was granted.

In the article, I discuss the following suggestions for supporting yourself in a dark night of the soul moment:

  1. Know that dark nights of the soul are real and normal, yet painful.
  2. Ask yourself what it would look like not to write.
  3. Remind yourself why you love to write. 
  4. Hold that no writing is ever wasted.
  5. See frustration as a sign of an impending breakthrough.
  6. Focus your appreciation on the process of writing. 
  7. Create your own outcomes.

Although it might feel scary, these deep, dark nights of the soul are excellent fodder for equally deep moments of clarity.


Want the full scoop? Get all the details in the full article on Script Mag:
If you’ve got writing questions, please send them my way!
I’d love to answer them for you in my column.
Image credit:  Script Magazine / Canva

The Search Is On

I’m starting this new blog to get started on a new project to understand what inspires and supports creative visionaries to stay on track with what they were put here to do, in the face of what must often be incredible pressure to conform and let go of their radical ideas.

I’m defining creative visionaries (so far) as:

  • Creative geniuses
  • Imagination-based entrepreneurs
  • Thought-leaders
  • Cutting edge designers
  • Technological innovators

Here are the questions I’m asking so far:

  • What kind of legacy does a creative visionary long to leave?
  • What does a creative visionary do when they get off track or lose their way?What causes them to lose their way? How do they get back on track?
  • What is a creative visionary’s life purpose? Do they have a sense of it? How does it guide their actions?
  • What does a long dark night of the soul look like for an imagination entrepreneur and visionary?
  • What challenges does a creative visionary have and how do they overcome them?
  • What kinds of  non-supportive labels have creative visionaries struggled with over the course of their lives?
  • How do visionaries deal with the doubts and fears of the people around them about the visions they hold?
  • What kinds of obstacles have they faced and overcome to get to where they are now?

Here are a few of the creative visionaries I’ve thought of so far:

  • George Lucas
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Steve Jobs
  • John Lasseter
  • Peter Jackson
  • Carly Fiorina

I’d love to interview some of them — and other similar types — to begin to answer these questions to understand what enables their success.

I’d love to hear your suggestions and thoughts.