We’d love to have you join us

To Write

If you don’t have the means to pay for the full monthly membership fee at Called to Write, particularly if you have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and/or if you identify as Black, Indigenous, Native American, First Nations, Latinx, Asian, or a Person of Color, we encourage you to participate by applying for one of our Reduced Rate plans.


How to Select the Plan That’s Right For You


As you select a plan, aim to choose an amount that works for you financially, while remaining motivating. When something is too low cost (for us), we may value it less and make less use of it. On the other hand, when something is too costly (for us), we may feel stressed by trying to “live up” to it. Each of us has an optimal sweet spot. 

Once you select your plan, you’ll continue at that rate, renewing automatically on a monthly basis. You may cancel at any time.

If or when your financial circumstances change and it works for you to subscribe at our regular rate, please do so! The more members we have participating at full rates, the more writers we can help join us. This will be something you’ll do on the honor system; we won’t be monitoring plans. 

The regular rate for Called to Write membership is $59.99 monthly, or about $2 per day, and includes:

  • Weekly Zoom gatherings with opportunities for coaching with Jenna and connection with your fellow writers.
  • Daily writing sprints + Additional bonus weekday sprints to help you write every day.
  • Access to our private online site (no ads, no news, and no politics — we keep the focus on writing!).
  • Monthly theme discussions (during our Theme Zoom gathering and through discussions on our private site).
  • Access to our free self-study Create Your Own Writing Tracker Workshop course.
  • Self-created and customizable “Progress Journals” to share your writing progress with your fellow writers.

Reduced Rate Plan Choices


$29.99 Monthly

Approximately $1 per day. 

Renews monthly until canceled.


$39.99 Monthly

Approximately $1.33 per day.

Renews monthly until canceled.


$49.99 Monthly

Approximately $1.66 per day.

Renews monthly until canceled.


Note: once your application has been approved, we’ll provide you with the appropriate registration link.

Also note that if one of these reduced rate plans does not work for you financially,
you may still apply for a further reduced rate below.

Apply Here

Please fill out our application for a reduced rate membership here. You may select from the above Reduced Rate plan choices or propose a different rate if none of the above plan choices work for you.

Reduced Rate Application Form

Optional: Do you identify as Black, Indigenous, Native American, First Nations, Latinx, Asian, or a Person of Color?

Optional: Have you been financially impacted by COVID?


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