When you’re dragging your feet around being seen by your audience, remember this

If you know you are meant to be in front of an audience, sharing your creative work, but you’re dragging your feet about it, I want to remind you of something.

Your call to the spotlight is not optional.

It’s not going to work if you do it halfway, like never quite finishing the book and getting it published, designing the talks but never delivering them, or writing the blog posts but never pressing the publish button.

Here’s why: Your soul won’t let you get away with it.

I see the tug of war over being seen publicly as a battle between your soul’s deeper knowing and your inner critic’s limiting beliefs.

Who do you want to win?

The cost of listening to your inner critic, the one that says it isn’t safe, that you’ll make a fool of yourself, that people won’t like what you say, or that you have nothing new to say, is that your soul will be unfulfilled.

To be more specific, your level of happiness, satisfaction, and sense of fulfillment in your life is directly connected to the degree to which you are doing what you were put here to do.

So if you have a call to the spotlight (or to anything, for that matter) — regardless of how much you dread it — you’re not going to feel complete until you do it.

I can tell you truly that I have never been happier than I am now with all the writing and speaking I’m doing.

I can also tell you that I have never been more scared. But despite the fear, it feels right, and that’s how I know I’m on the right track.

Your turn

What calling are you avoiding or not embracing as much as you truly know you want to?
Tell us in the comments.

Want help expanding your comfort zone around being seen by an audience? Join my small, healing-focused group designed to help you feel ready to share your gifts with the world. 1 spot left.




Coming Attractions

~> May 1st to June 5th. My new Spotlight Study Group for sensitives, artists and hermit types who are ready to take their call to the spotlight more seriously and clear up the obstacles getting in their way. One spot left. Details.

~> May 10th. Last day to register for the next 4-week session of my “Just Do The Writing” Accountability Circle. This is for writers who want help staying on track and consistent about doing their writing, day in and day out. Details.


What I'm Up To

~> Ongoing. Writing in the ProSeries class at ScreenwritingU. Now we’re working on our query letters so we can start promoting our scripts.

~> June 12th to 15th. Heading to Hollywood for a ScreenwritingU event to meet with producers and agents. Can’t wait!

~> Sacred writing time. Early mornings and Fridays.

~> Still reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with my boy. I’ve been keeping up with Castle and Once Upon a Time while I’m waiting for Downton Abbey to be available again. Oh, and waiting with baited breath for Avengers Assemble. Can’t wait to see Joss Whedon working his magic with superheros!



The First Step to Finding Your Audience Is A Leap Of Faith

Someone wrote in recently to ask for advice about doing intuitive work to fulfill her calling. She mentioned that people might think she was crazy to do such work. I remembered when I first started coaching and I was terrified to call myself a “spiritual coach” for fear of what people would think.

The good news is that when you get yourself aligned with what you want to do, and start doing it, there ARE people who are excited, interested, and looking for just what you have to offer. You have to be willing to take the leap of faith to believe in your dream and put it out there so that your people can find you. So,

  • Start writing the book (or blog or screenplay).
  • Start making the art, the jewelry, the clothes.
  • Take a stab at a new way of doing things.
  • Start offering the service you know you really want to offer, no matter how crazy it will seem to some people (the key word is some).
  • Start sharing YOUR perspective on what’s working and what’s not and what we can do about it.
  • Be a little reckless about putting yourself out there the way YOU want to be seen.
  • Don’t be afraid of what so-and-so will think, focus instead on the people who ARE your business — the ones who will say, “I want that!”
  • Pick the odd, quirky, unusual, and specific thing that makes you YOU and gets you all hopped up to do.
  • And GO FOR IT!

On the other hand, there will ALSO be people who will NOT like what you are doing. They will be the naysayers and doubters. Sometimes they will give you useful feedback to help you refine your vision and dream, but more often than not, they will shoot down your efforts because they are afraid to make their own. Naysayers often are too afraid to take action themselves, and instead find negative things to point out about what you’re doing. They project their fear right onto you.

So it’s up to you to choose wisely who you listen to, to be your own biggest fan and greatest supporter, and to surround yourself with people who are not just “yes men” but who honestly, truly, and deeply believe that you are here to do something powerful, to create something amazing, and to change the world.

First you have to take the leap of faith yourself.

I believe in your vision.

Welcome to 2011.

If this sparked anything for you, please share it in the comments section below. I always love to hear from you.

What’s Jenna Up To?

~> January 21st & 22nd, 2011. Voice Your Vision Mastermind Retreat. In-Person Workshop in Berkeley, California. Clarify your unique vision to implement your Life Purpose in a specific, step-by-step plan. TWO SPOTS remaining. This small group retreat is perfect for you if you know your purpose but you’re wondering, “What’s next?” Details: www.VoiceYourVisionWithJenna.com

~> January 27th & 28th, 2011. Powerful Strategies to Slay Your Inner Critic Demons So You Can Leap Into the Creative Spotlight.” Appearing as a guest expert at Baeth Davis’s “Claim Your Spotlight” program in Los Angeles, California.

~> February 10, 2011. Virtual Workshop: Claim Your Calling: 5 Steps To Get You Back On Track With What You Were Put Here To Do. Details. Early registration ends January 13th.