Ask the Coach: 7 Strategies for Dealing with Procrastination and Self-Criticism – On Script Mag

In this month’s “Ask the Coach” article, I’m responding to a writer about overcoming procrastination and dealing with self-criticism:

“I need to overcome my procrastination. I am trying to write a screenplay, with a proposal, for a funding opportunity. I had experience in short-filmmaking. But this is my first feature-length script. I have been trying to write a feature-length script for years. I need help to find a way to put myself to write while resisting the non-stop self-criticism of my ability and self-worth, as well as the sense of guilt after wasting time on social media. If you could share some insight into how to tackle these problems, I would be most grateful.”

In the main article, my reply explored the primary issues of procrastination and self-criticism and provided some thoughts on how this writer can shift their experience.

Here’s a list of the seven strategies discussed in the article:

  1. Recognize what’s really going on when we procrastinate.
  2. Calm the fears by changing the way you talk to yourself.
  3. Reframe the “stepping up” aspect of what you’re asking of yourself.
  4. Choose productive procrastination instead.
  5.  Relegate social media to non-writing parts of the day.
  6. Save binge-watching as a reward for writing.
  7. Start small with writing.


Give yourself the gift of going for it and enjoying the ride, even the hard and scary parts. This is part of shifting your perspective to help the scared part of you see writing as something that might even be — dare we say it — fun.

Want the full scoop? Get all the details in the full article on Script Mag:
If you’ve got writing questions, please send them my way!
I’d love to answer them for you in my column.
Image credit:  Script Magazine / Canva
Image of a person leaning back in their chair with their hands clasped behind their head. A desk with a keyboard, monitor, and open book is in front of them.

Ask the Coach: 10 Ways to Deal with Writer’s Procrastination – On Script Mag

In this month’s “Ask the Coach” article, I’m responding to a question from a reader about managing procrastination.

Dear Jenna, I struggle with procrastination and getting started writing. I want to write, but each day I wrestle with myself to get started. When I do finally get around to writing, I feel so much better. But I hate all the time I’m wasting. What can I do to get myself to work faster?

First, you’re not alone. Many writers struggle with procrastination, if not all, at least at some point in their writing lives.

Procrastination is one of the many ways fear manifests for writers, along with perfectionism, paralysis, self-doubt, negative self-esteem, and more. These are all forms of writing “resistance,” which is an oppositional force artists, writers, creatives, and entrepreneurs face. It works hard to keep us “safe” from taking risks, usually based on past and childhood experiences that have taught us to avoid certain kinds of exposure or self-expression. Procrastination — putting off doing the work — is a way of managing the fear and anxiety we feel.

Unfortunately, procrastination is like a band-aid on top of an infected wound. Because procrastinating doesn’t resolve the underlying anxiety or fear, it simply delays it. If anything, even while procrastinating, we’re still walking around with a (low, sometimes) level of fear and anxiety.

The beautiful thing is that writing is the ultimate cure-all for the fear once we can get ourselves to take the actions and do the work.

In my response, I discuss ten strategies for dealing with procrastination:

  1. Tell yourself you only have to write for X minutes.
  2. Find a deadline or goal for your work.
  3. Reverse-engineer a timeline.
  4. Give yourself permission to start over.
  5. Write early or late.
  6. Focus on showing up.
  7. “Find” writing.
  8. Trust your inner voice.
  9. Focus on how you feel when you’ve written.
  10. Recognize the underlying fear.

When you’re struggling to write, remind yourself how good you feel when you’re engaged with the purely creative act and process of writing, regardless of the outcome or result.

Want the full scoop? Get all the details in the full article on Script Mag:
If you’ve got writing questions, please send them my way!
I’d love to answer them for you in my column.

Ask the Coach: How Can Writers Deal with Procrastination? – On Script Mag

In this month’s “Ask the Coach” article, I’m responding to a comment on Twitter about handling procrastination. This is a topic I never tire of talking about with writers because it’s so relevant and important to understand and navigate. Plus, I’ve recently reviewed some newer (and empowering) research about procrastination, which I’ve shared in the article. 

In the article, I review five high-level reasons writers procrastinate to help us unpack this common struggle. I describe each reason more fully in the article, but here’s the core overview: 

  1. We procrastinate because we’re afraid.
  2. We procrastinate because writing matters to us.
  3. We procrastinate to manage challenging emotions. 👈 the newer part!
  4. We procrastinate to get dopamine hits.
  5. We procrastinate to process intuition and information.

With this understanding of why we procrastinate, I also offer ways we can manage procrastination, including rewriting negative thoughts, creating community and support around writing with other writers, using deadlines and other external motivations, and more. 


The bottom line is that we procrastinate for very real reasons.

Want the full scoop? There are more details in the full article on Script Mag: 
Ask the Coach: How Can Writers Deal with Procrastination?

If you’ve got writing questions, please send them my way!
I’d love to answer them for you in my column.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash