We write because we have stories to tell.
We write to entertain.
To explore.
To connect.
To teach.
We write because if we don’t, we can’t sleep.
We write to be paid.
We write for the joy of it.
We write because we said we would.
We write to document, explain, journal, create.
We write because we love it.
We write to expunge the terrible questions that captivate us.
To travel the neural pathways and find out where they go.
To see what happens.
Joss Whedon has said, “You either have to be writing or you shouldn’t be writing. That’s all.”
Why do you write?
If you’re serious about writing, but find yourself blocked or procrastinating, join my “Just Do The Writing” Accountability Circle to learn the skills you need to create a solid pattern of consistent writing and to get the support and accountability you need to show up every day.
Find out more and register here: http://JustDoTheWriting.com. Next session starts March 19th.